eventide plugins

Multi-tap Effects Plug-in - Mac/PC AAX Native, VST, AU
Tri-Stereo Chorus Plug-in with 3 BBD-style Modulation Voices, 2 Modes, Mix Control, Left/Right Micro-pitch Detuning, Variable Delay, Swirl Function, Tone Control, and Performance-based Parameters - Mac/PC VST2, VST3, AU, AAX
Dynamics Processor Plug-in with Gating, Expansion, Compression, Limiting, and Dynamic Reversal - Native - Mac/PC AAX, AU, VST
Fine-resolution Pitch-shifting Plug-in with Classic Presets, 2 Voices, +/-50 Cents of Shift, 2s of Delay, Tone, Pitch Mix, Mod/Depth/Rate Controls, Feedback, Real-time Control, and Wet/Dry Mix - Mac/PC AAX Native, AU, VST
Native Reverb Plug-in Delay, Modulation, Tempo-sync, and Freeze Mode - Mac/PC VST, AU, AAX
Premiere Studio Bundle with 3 Ultra-series Plug-ins and 600+ Presets - Mac/PC AU, VST2, VST3
IdeaSoft® | E-Ticaret paketleri ile hazırlanmıştır.